In true bizarre style I was recognised by someone on Saturday afternoon. I'll paint the picture. We decided to watch the AB's game down at the Woolshed (Famed Kiwi Bar) at 10.30am. Now, as one does while watching the
Sorry, i digress. We were dinking in one of the bars, and happened to strike up a convo with two lads at the bar. About 10min into the riveting convo of the break down of commercialization of the eastern European social fiscal safety pin industry, one of the lads points to
Tall Guy: Fuck, I know you!!!
Tall guy then pivots…..and points at me
Tall Guy: And you…….and I know where!
Its about now the 2 of us are scrolling through all the drunken mad moments of the past month in out heads, while questioning our minds – Who have I abused, scrapped, pushed, cheated ect! All the while coming up blank!
Troy/Ben: ….and where would that be!
Tall Guy: I saw you both get thrown out of Guns N’ Roses!!!!!!!!!