Sunday, November 20, 2005


Brilliant win against the poms. Now can we please stop hearing about:
  1. How they don't like the Haka. Please shut up. Oh "It's very intimidating" shit, I believe that's the idea. These English dip shits have no concept of it, and therefore should not voice there opinion at all. It's a fuckin joke.
  2. How brilliant and gallant the English are, heads held high. Arse. They got beaten fair and bloody square. Even with 14 men on the field they didn't look close. Brilliant.
  3. How we don't deserve to host the World Cup. Wankers. Every person over hear is complaining that the japs didn't get it. Some twat said we will not even full the stadiums, because a few on the Lions Tour were not full! NZ bashing is well and alive my friends!

I'm sure I had more to complain about, but with large hangover clouding my thought's will save for later. Lets just smash the Scot's, and piss of home. Love the Irish, but over anything to do with English sport!

Had a great night on the gas though. Loving the 2.30pm kick off's, really sets up the night. Right, rant over.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alright, leon here one of dunnys "pikey" mates from when he was in canada, will be playing your 1st team out in donnybrook on thurs in a friendly, leave a comment if u'll be there training or playing if u's wanna meet up